90 Days - No Dating!

Hi All!
I know it’s been awhile since I’ve touchdown with hot-tea. Life has been really crazy with graduating, turning 30, and moving into my own 1 bedroom 1 bath apartment. I am currently preparing for an awesome Afrotech experience coming up this Friday and throughout the weekend. I am currently still single, and it is a real struggle!
Finding a date has never been an issue for me. I can create a line up for 7 days out of the week, no problem. I think my biggest issue I am facing is that I am looking for something that isn’t there or hasn’t manifested yet. I can’t exactly explain it, but hoping you understand. It’s like… My frequency is at a higher vibration than whoever I might be entertaining. Failed attempt after failed attempt piles up until I am over it like I am now.
Last night I was laying in bed reflecting on how the guy I was dating would prefer to play host a night of FIFA with his friends, rather than enjoy a night with me and an awesome home cooked steak dinner, mashed potatoes, and garlic spinach. Discouragement at it’s finest. I’ve decided to turn off my dating feature for 90 days, and this is day 1. I am going to journal my 90 days of no dating as much as I possibly can.
At first I was going to do an entire year, but thought that might be a bit excessive and unrealistic. I want to gain more clarity and I think this 90 day break will really help. I also want a fresh start on my dating out look, a refresher if you may. I want to be disciplined with this. Men approach me on a regular basis and I have to filter them out based on who may or may not be worth the time. I want to ensure that I hold tight on my 90 days no matter how promising he might seem. My 90 days applies to every soul on earth.
I NEED A BREAK. Dating apps deleted and the journey starts now. Wish me luck!
- Lovelee Michaela <3